Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Real Talk Tuesdays #3

Welcome to Tuesday my friends! Only 3 DAYS left until Friday! Until then, let's talk...

Sometimes, we just need to vent. We need a person to just sit there and LISTEN to whatever we have to get off our minds. So, I've created "Real Talk Tuesdays" specifically for that purpose. Feel free to say anything here, either via the comments or by linking up to it on your own blog! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday Miscellany #3

Welcome to Monday my friends! Are you making it through your Monday blues so far? {fingers crossed} Although I can't cure your Mondays, I do come today with a post to distract you from those AWFUL Monday blues!

This week, it's all about the PSC: Plus-Size Community! I'm always about supporting my big girls and so today's items are specifically for plus-size women. However, ANYONE can check it out and maybe learn a thing or two! With that being said, here is number three of the Monday Miscellany: a quick collection of things from my world that will help to distract you from yours! Ready? Here we go!