I'm Elyssa and I decided to create this blog as a way to keep track of my life. I've recently made a lot of BIG changes in my life, so I thought it was time to create a NEW blog to document the journey. Most of my life, I've lived a life that was expected of me, taking care of everyone around me. Now, at the age of 25, I'm learning what it is I TRULY want out of this blessed life I've been given. Discovering what it's like to live completely ALONE, cooking for one person, and basically figuring out how to use my resources and still get what I want have become surprisingly difficult, yet satisfying! I can't wait to see what happens next...
As you browse through the pages of my blog, you will find recipes, decor, events in fitness/faith/everyday living, and MUCH more! I hope you enjoy reading Crafting My Dreams and find a little bit of your OWN inspiration to craft the life YOU desire! See you around :)
Elyssa...aka LyssaB*